Make a DIY Keychain Out of Anything!

Who doesn’t like a good ol’ keychain? I was never one for collecting them at vacation spots, but I had a lot of friends who did. Instead of spending money on keychains, I figured…why not just make my own using cool stuff I already own?

I’ll preface by saying I haven’t made a ton of keychains out of random things — just two. But both are on my keyring and I’ve made some for hobby-specific friends. Let me explain my two successful simple DIY keychain crafts:

  1. Holed Coin Keychain

I’ve always been fascinated with old coins, and holed coins are usually way cheaper to purchase through coin dealers or eBay than whole ones. Their numismatic value significantly decreases when holed…which is why they make for great affordable DIY projects. They can be turned into keychains, earrings, necklaces, bracelets, etc. For the sake of this post, I’m focusing on the keychain aspect. Since this silver US coin already came holed when I bought it, all I needed to add was the keychain part! I bought the part at Michaels and in seconds I had a cool keychain to add to my car keys. These are perfect gifts for any numismatist or hobbist coin collector.

2. DIY Pokemon Coin Keychain

Anyone else a total Pokemon nerd like me?! My wife and I still play the trading card game and we even determined our married last name by flipping a Pokemon coin at a board game cafe. Okay, yes, we’re very nerdy. Anyway! Turning Pokemon those plastic Pokemon coins into keychains is as simple as drilling a small hole and adding the keychain part. That’s it! I find that the “regular” sized coin (as opposed to some of the larger ones) make for less bulky keychains for car keys, but that’s just me.

What other fun things have you turned into keychains?


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